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Episode 189: How To Apply For Business Awards

Have you seen other people win awards and wonder, how they do it?

Well, today you’re going to learn how you can easily also apply for business awards, even if you don’t think you can.

Applying for business awards can be a strategic move for your business, especially if you want to enhance your visibility, credibility, and reputation within your industry and beyond.

But this is a scary thing to even think about: how do you know if you’re good enough?

Today, you’re going to learn:
1. The Benefits of applying for awards
2. What if you’re too scared and don’t know where to start
3. Where to look for awards
4. How to assess the awards you select
5. What to add to your entry.

Show Notes: https://henriettedanel.com/how-to-apply-for-business-awards

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Episode 188: How Do You Tap Into Your Intuition

If I were to say: sixth sense or gut feeling – what do you think about?

Intuition is a form of unconscious knowing or understanding that doesn’t rely on logical reasoning or conscious thought processes.

But we can also call it a bunch of other names, such as Gut feeling, which is a sensation or feeling in the stomach that serves as an indicator of one’s intuition. It’s also known as your sixth sense, inner voice, instinct or hunch.

They all come down to a feeling, innate inclination or impulse which makes us either act or question situations or decisions.

The problem is that even though we have this guidance system built into us, western society tends to prioritize rationality and logic over intuition, leading us to discount or ignore intuitive signals.

Then, we also have the fear of uncertainty. Intuitive insights often arise without clear explanations, leading to uncertainty, which can be uncomfortable for some people.

However, by tapping into your Intuition, you’ll be able to achieve and become so much more in life and business. The benefits of listening to your gut far outweigh the reasons why you shouldn’t listen to your sixth sense.

For this reason, I’m truly excited to welcome Lena Thompson back to the Entrepreneurial Success Podcast.

Lena was already a guest on Episode 138, where we spoke about Human Design.

But today, we’re taking that one step further, and we’re doing a deep dive into your Intuition.

Today, you’re going to learn:
1. What is intuition and what are the benefits of tapping into it.
2. How could you possibly be experiencing your own guidance system.
3. Human Design and how it can help you with decision-making
4. How we can all enhance or develop our intuition more.

Show Notes: https://henriettedanel.com/how-do-you-tap-into-your-intuition

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Episode 187: Do You Want To Know How To Navigate Imposter Syndrome And Burnout

Do you sometimes struggle with burnout?

And what about imposter syndrome – are you constantly questioning your actions and decisions?

As entrepreneurs, we often grapple with self-doubt and exhaustion, which can hinder our progress and impact our well-being.

From the struggles business owners face to the benefits of addressing these challenges head-on, we’ll explore practical ways to overcome imposter syndrome and burnout.

Once you know how to navigate through these challenges, you’ll find that your confidence will grow tenfold, and you’ll be more sure about your decisions and future actions.

I’m so happy to have Ali Dunn back here with us on the Entrepreneurial Success Podcast.

She’s going to share some incredible thoughts and ideas on navigating through these challenges we face daily but are unsure how to handle them.

You’re going to learn:
1. How to navigate imposter syndrome and burnout while scaling your business
2. Why you need to connect to your values and motivation before growing your business
3. What is the Enneagram Assessment, and how can this help you
4. Five effective Strategies for combatting Burnout & Imposter Syndrome

Show Notes: https://henriettedanel.com/do-you-want-to-know-how-to-navigate-imposter-syndrome-and-burnout

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Episode 186: Using Stories And Persuasion To Enhance Your Talks

So, does the idea of talking in front of a group of people freak you out?

When you see other people talk on a stage or online, you feel that you could never do this.

Talking to the audience is actually easy – it just starts with sharing stories.

The ability to weave narratives seamlessly into your talks can wield an unparalleled influence, capturing the audience’s attention, fostering connection, and driving the intended message home.

This integration of storytelling and persuasion elevates the speaker’s impact and creates an engaging and relatable atmosphere, resonating with the audience on a profound level.

And you have a message to share with the world. There are numerous benefits to sharing your story with your audience – whether in person, online, or even through email.

Neuroscientific studies affirm that people remember stories better than facts and figures. The combination of verbal and visual storytelling enhances information retention, ensuring that the critical points of a presentation linger in the audience’s minds.

But I also know that the fear of having all the audience’s attention on you makes you quiver in your boots.

That’s why I’ve invited Sally Zimney back to the podcast to share some fantastic insights on using stories and persuasion to enhance your talks and work through fear and self-doubt.

You’re going to learn:
1. How to shift from self-doubt to confidence to have a bigger impact
2. Using the persuasive power of story to lead more effectively and boldly
3. How to bring more of your authentic self into the big moments
4. What you can overcome to tell stories

Show Notes: https://henriettedanel.com/using-stories-and-persuasion-to-enhance-your-talks

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Episode 185: Using a Smart Marketing Strategy To Grow Your Business

The key to sustainable growth obviously lies in the quality of your product or service, but equally in your ability to market it effectively. You see, smart marketing strategies can propel your business to new heights, create brand awareness, and drive customer engagement.

You’re going to learn:
1. What is a Smart Marketing Strategy
2. How to reach 6-figures in your business, even if you think it’s impossible.
3. Investing in your business and yourself
4. What does a successful 20-hour working week look like

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Episode 184: Gut Healing: Health Hacks For Busy Women

Are you looking after your gut?

Gut health is critical to your overall well-being, influencing various bodily functions and contributing to the balance of your entire system.

Your digestive system plays a key role in nutrient absorption, immune function, and even mental health.

So what about Ayurveda?

If you haven’t heard of Ayurveda before, it’s an ancient system of medicine originating from India, that recognizes the significance of gut health and provides insights into maintaining balance through practices like detoxification.

Ayurveda categorizes individuals based on their unique constitutions, known as doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha).

Imbalances in these doshas can manifest as health issues. Ayurvedic practices, including dietary recommendations and lifestyle adjustments, aim to bring these doshas into harmony.

This is why I’ve invited Emma-Louise Follows to today’s podcast, to talk more about gut health and health hacks for busy women.

Emma-Louise is a wellness coach for busy women and uses Ayurveda detox boxes to help her clients with their gut health.

You’re going to learn:
1. What is Ayurveda
2. Why is Gut Health so important
3. Gut cleanse and detoxing
4. Health Hacks for busy women

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Episode 183: How To Alleviate Menopausal Symptoms With Nutrition

So, have you heard of the term menopause, or are you experiencing some symptoms already of peri-menopause?

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years. It typically occurs in their late 40s or early 50s, signalling a decline in reproductive hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.

One reason we, as women, may not be adequately educated about menopause from a young age is that it wasn’t spoken about and kept hushed.

This silence perpetuates a lack of understanding and the notion that menopause is something to be endured quietly, rather than embraced as a natural part of life.

Now, nutrition plays a crucial role in alleviating the symptoms of menopause and promoting overall well-being during this period.

A balanced diet of essential nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, can help manage symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings, just to name a few.

And it’s precisely why I wanted to dive into this topic more and talk about how to alleviate menopausal symptoms with nutrition.

I’m so happy to introduce you to Laura de la Harpe.

Laura’s a BANT registered nutritional therapist and specialises in digestion, thyroid health, hormones and weight loss.

You’re going to learn:
1. What is Menopause and the signs and symptoms.
2. How nutrition can help alleviate those symptoms.
3. The importance of gut health and metabolic balance.
4. How to be prepared early, for menopause.

Show Notes: https://henriettedanel.com/how-to-alleviate-menopausal-symptoms-with-nutrition

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Episode 182: Why Outsourcing Can Be A Tool To Grow Your Business

Do you think that outsourcing will cost you too much money?

In a time where technology is vastly growing to no end, businesses are constantly seeking ways to enhance efficiency, reduce their costs, and stay consistent.

One strategy that has gained immense popularity in recent years is outsourcing. This practice involves contracting out specific functions to external service providers rather than handling them in-house (in other words, employing someone).

One of the most prominent reasons business owners turn to outsourcing, is its potential for saving costs. Outsourcing allows you to access specialised skills and resources without the hefty investment required to build and maintain an in-house team.

Time is a critical factor in business (we all know this), and outsourcing can significantly contribute to effective time management. Additionally, it allows your business to expedite projects and reduce the time required for training and onboarding new staff for specific tasks.

And for all this and so many more reasons, this is why investing in a VA can be an excellent way to grow your business.

I’m so happy to introduce you to Maya Vertigans.

Maya owns Planner Bee VA Services, a virtual assistant business specialising in supporting businesses to enhance their digital marketing through social media, email marketing and copywriting.

You’re going to learn:
1. The key to outsourcing correctly
2. How you can increase your own productivity & planning
3. The best time management advice

Show Notes: https://henriettedanel.com/why-outsourcing-can-be-a-tool-to-grow-your-business

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Episode 181: Tips To Scale Your Business And Build A Successful Team

So, what’s the next step for your business?

Scaling your business is an ambitious journey that involves strategic planning, efficient execution, and a high-performing team.

To scale a business successfully, you need to begin with a clear strategic vision. Identify your target market, understand your competitive landscape, and define your unique value proposition.

Develop a business plan that outlines your growth strategies, financial projections, and key milestones. A well-thought-out plan will serve as a roadmap, guiding your business through the coming challenges.

Then, you also need to look at the financial foundation for scaling a business. Monitor cash flow, manage expenses diligently, and reinvest profits strategically. Building a financial structure will ensure the sustainability of your business during periods of expansion.

And this is where most business owners struggle, because they’re so involved in the day-to-day running of their business, they don’t have the mental capacity to think bigger or plan for growth.

Now, with the help of a business coach, they can guide you to view the analytics and strategies within your business, to make educated decisions for growth.

What about your team? The success of your business hinges on the talent within your team. Look for a diverse range of skills and experiences to create a well-rounded team capable of tackling various challenges.

There’s so much to think about, right?

And this is why I’m so excited to introduce you to Falguni Desai.

Apart from being one of the authors of the Fab Collab book, she’s also a Business Growth Coach with a legal background.

Falguni has so much knowledge about growing businesses and has helped numerous companies with their journeys to scale and build effective teams.

You’re going to learn:
1. What to look at when scaling your business
2. The importance of trust in everything you do
3. Why collaborations are the keys to moving forward

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Episode 180: How To Spot The Open Door And Grab Opportunities

Did you know that you are a creative human being?

Yes, you come up with ideas, plans and solutions daily. And that alone requires some sense of creativity.

Then, when you look at other people who create brands, graphics and websites, you must think they’re very good at what they do.

Whether you’re a seasoned designer or just starting to explore your creative potential, this episode will be of value to you.

We will talk about the power of collaborations and how to spot incredible opportunities and grab them with both hands.

I’m so happy to introduce you to Jade Thomas. She’s a jewellery designer, branding expert and web designer.

In addition, she’s also one of the Authors of the Fab Collab Book and one of my true friends.

So, let’s move into this episode, and I’m sure you’ll be able to see how opportunities are everywhere for you – you just need to see them.

You’re going to learn:
1. How to spot opportunities every day
2. Why working with others can enhance your creativity
3. The importance of celebrating each other’s work

Show Notes: https://henriettedanel.com/how-to-spot-the-open-door-and-grab-opportunities

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Episode 179: The Beauty of HR and Collaborations

Did you know that all your families, friends and schools shaped you already for collaborations from a young age?

These early experiences help you develop essential skills, attitudes, and perspectives that influence how you approach partnerships and collaborations later on.

Additionally, understanding your own identity and values is crucial for creating meaningful and successful collaborations. And these you learn, of course, as you grow and develop into the person you are today.

You learn to navigate conflicts, compromise, and negotiate – skills that are essential for effective collaboration in any setting.

These experiences instil resilience and adaptability, qualities that are critical when navigating the complexities of business partnerships. Learning to stay determined in the face of difficulties prepares you to handle the inevitable hurdles in collaborative ventures.

When you know yourself well, you can seek out collaborations that align with your personal and professional goals. Being aware of your own identity helps you identify opportunities that are mutually beneficial and conducive to growth.

And that’s why I want to introduce you today to another one of the authors of the Fab Collab book, Bina Briggs.

Bina’s an HR Consultant that help SMEs with their HR matters. You’ll hear her story of how collaborations have helped shape her life and helped her decide to start a business with her business partner.

Today you’re going to learn:
1. How collaborations shape you from the early stages of life
2. The beauty of HR and the creation of business partnerships
3. Why you should be yourself and be in alignment every day

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Episode 178: Why You Need A Strategy To Elevate Your Business

Do you have a strategy that’s aligned with you to grow your business?

We’ve all heard the saying, ‘It’s about working smarter, not harder.’

But what does this even mean?

Whether you’re a startup looking to carve a niche in the market or an established business aiming to maintain its competitive edge, having a strategy is the key to thriving amidst uncertainty.

In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of entrepreneurship, the path to success is often obscured by countless challenges and distractions.

As business owners, we often navigate a labyrinth of possibilities to determine the best course of action. And even then, we question ourselves and wonder if we’re making the right decisions.

That’s why you need a strategy to elevate your business.

So, I’m excited to introduce you to Kara Renninger.

Kara’s a business analyst and growth consultant helping companies scale their business and increase their impact.

With over 15 years of experience and knowledge, she will share some fantastic golden nuggets to help you get a strategy to elevate your business.

Today you’re going to learn:
1. Why scaling your business is something you need to focus on
2. The 3 phases of scaling
3. How to align your actions with your vision
4. How to make decisions for yourself, to scale your business

Show Notes: https://henriettedanel.com/why-you-need-a-strategy-to-elevate-your-business

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