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August 1, 2019

Episode 20: Why You’re Not Getting Customers

why you're not getting customers

Why You're Not Getting Customers

 Have you ever just climbed in your car and drive?

You change the gears, take some turns and keep moving forward.

You’re not sure where you’re going…. But you keep driving.

Then all of a sudden, you’re lost. You took too many turns, too often that you can’t even remember how to get back.

You realise you’re running out of fuel and you desperately need to stop for a pee-break. But where!

It’s not fun being lost is it.

All you can do now is try and find your way back home, because you’re more comfortable just staying at home.

So where did this all go wrong?

Well it’s easy – it started way before you even climbed in your car.

And I’ll get into all the details soon, but I know you might be wondering what on earth this has to do with getting more customers for your business, right?

Let’s face it, if you’re not getting more customers or clients for your business, then yes, you are doing something wrong

But it could be a few things or a thousand things – the problem is that you just don’t know what you’re doing wrong.

And that’s the same when you’re driving your car and when you get lost, you’re thinking – where did I go wrong?

When in actual fact…. You did a lot of things wrong – starting at the beginning.

Now when I say you did things wrong, I don’t mean it in a negative way – not at all.

All I’m saying is that you took certain decisions and took the actions to follow, that just didn’t take you in the right direction.

And that’s why, I’m saying that it all starts wayyyyyyy before you even start your journey.

Because you need a destination first.

If you don’t have a destination – of course you’re going to drive around, get lost and not get anywhere.

And if you don’t have a destination, you won’t have customers or clients who’ll follow you.

So there are three things that you can change as of today, to make sure you’ve got your destination, your road map & your planned time.

Ready…. Let’s get started.

1.Now the first thing is to determine your destination.

Now maybe you’re doing 4 jobs at once, trying a bit of this and doing a bit of that.

Trying to be visible on every single social media platform.

Working your buns off behind your laptop, trying to figure out all those tools you’ve invested in.

Typing out documents, creating products and servicing your existing customers.

Sending out email after email, trying to sell your products or services.

You’re telling people about how great your products and services are, only for them to smile politely and turn away.

You’ve got all your fingers in all the pies…. But you’re not even able to enjoy one of those pies, right?

Well, this is the problem right here….. you’ve got too many things you’re trying to do at once.

In other words, you’re trying to go to too many destinations at once.

Now I don’t know about you, but last time I checked it was only physically possible to go to one destination at a time.

You need to sit down and decide which destination you want to go to.

What is the no.1 destination that would fulfil you as a business owner, help your business grow and make more of an impact in the world.

And I know you’ve got so many great, creative and inspiring ideas and you get sooo excited about all of them… you just want to do all of them at once…

But the problem is that you can’t focus on all of your ideas at once.

You need to choose what idea, business goal or dream you want to follow.

Then that’s where you’re going to put your focus on. That’s when you get clear about your destination.

2. The next step is to get your road map.

Ok, now here the secret….

There are MANY MANY ways to get to your destination.

I mean, when you look at a map, the are countless streets, highways, country roads to get to a destination right?

But you’re looking for the road that’s going to save you time, and that’s more or less as straight as it can be.

So your road map is going to consist of 80 Strategic Planning & 20% Execution.

And that’s exactly, what you need to do in your business.

You need to have a Marketing strategy that you’re going to spend 80% of your time on to get more customers & only 20% of your time will be to service your customers.

You see most business owners spend 80% of their time, getting their products and services together.

They’re spending time creating online courses, getting their website up and running. 

Creating the perfect logo and sometimes even spend months trying to figure out what the company name should be.

And only now and then, do they make an effort to reach out to people – trying to sell their products or services.

And if that’s you? Well then, no wonder you’re not getting more customers or clients.

Now that you’ve figured out what your goal is for the next 12 months is…. Now you need to get a marketing strategy in place to help you meet that goal.

And I’ve got an amazing Goal Planner that you’ll love. You’re welcome to get it for free in my show notes for this episode.

Download and print it, to start getting your goal organised.

So here’s an example of how you can get a marketing strategy together.

If you want to make 100K in revenue for your business in the next 12 months, that means that you need 25K for every quarter of the year.

Every quarter has 3 Months – this equal to 8.3K per month.

And say you’ve got a product or service that you’re selling for $500 – that means you need to sell your product or service to 16-17 customers to make that target.

Now, how do you get 16-17 customers per month?

It starts with 4 Stages.

1        You start communicating with people (without trying to sell them your product or service) In other words, your developing a relationship with them.

2        You ask them what they’re struggling with

3        You give them a solution to their problem

4        Now you have an existing client that likes you, trusts you and they’ll buy from you again.

SO think about these 4 steps and think about how you can communicate with people, honestly and openly to establish a relationship with them.

Once you’ve developed that relationship where they trust & like you…. They’ll be more open to tell you what they’re struggling with and what their problems are.

Your solution to their problem, will be your product or service – which you can now sell to them.

Congratulations – you’ve now got an existing client who’ll be more likely to buy from you again in the near future.

But your strategy all starts with no.1 Building that relationship.

And this is where you’re spending 80% of your time, in your business.

So to get 16- 17 customers per month – you need to talk to a lot of people.

And I don’t mean physically….. it can all be done via email.

Communicate with your audience – every single person on your email list is a human being with feelings, dreams and problems.

And you can help them with your product or service, they just need to like and trust you first, before they realise it.

Free Goal Planner

Download Your FREE Goal Planner

This Goal Planner will help you setup goals with more clarity, but also help you setup goals that are achievable.

3. Then this leads us to the third part in your road trip – your time.

Now you’ve already established that 80% of your time will be spent on your marketing strategy.

But how does this work in actual time.

I’m sure you’ve come to realise that every single human being on planet earth, only has 24 hours in a day, right?

So why is it that so many of the entrepreneurs you’re following on social media get soooo much done and as soon as you see all their content and videos…. 

Your heart sinks.

Immediately you’re thinking to yourself “I’ll never be able to do that….”


Here’s one word for you – consistency!

No matter if you’re in the beginning stage of your business.

Or if you’re already been running your business for years….. you have to keep consistent with your marketing strategy.

You’re not going to start your strategy, and two days later decide it’s now working and stop right?

It’s like you’ve started your road trip and after driving for one hour, decide nah, I’ve not reached my destination yet, so I’m just gonna turn around and go home….

By staying consistent with your marketing strategy, you will see momentum and you’ll see growth.

More customers & clients will come to you and before you know it, this snowball is running by itself, getting bigger as it goes.

So here’s my challenge for you.

Get your Marketing strategy in place and run it for a minimum of 90 days.

After 90 days, rinse and repeat.

I promise you, by keeping focused on your destination, planning your road map with your marketing strategy and giving yourself time to be consistent every single day.

You will see a growth in customers and growth in your business.

So getting more customers is not about buying the latest tool or platform available.

It’s about you, your destination and your strategy.

Now if you’re not sure what marketing strategy you need to get developed for your business, then contact me for your free discovery call, where I’m happy to discuss your ideas and see how to implement your very own marketing strategy.

In addition, mark in your dairy the date of 19th August. 

This is the date my doors open again to The Entrepreneurial Success Project. Where I show you exactly how to start your own online business, get more customers and grow.

So, let’s quickly recap on what you’ve learned today.

To get more customers, you’ll need

1.     Your destination goal post. Know exactly what goal you want to achieve and use the Free Goal Planner to plan your actions

2.     Your Road Map – Make sure you have a clear Marketing Strategy in Place and execute this using the 80/20 rule

3.     Your Time – by being consistent and taking action on your marketing strategy for 90 days – you’ll see momentum and you’ll get more and more customers. Then rinse and repeat again. Over and over again.

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Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

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